TMNT Summer Shorts: ‘No Fly Zone’ | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Nick

2017-08-16 61

The Turtles jump back into action, Shredder talks smack over text, Splinter chops over-priced wood, Bebop and Rocksteady get “bromantic,” Casey Jones tells .
Leo learns what a real NYC pothole feels like, the Turtles race through the sewers, April has toilet trouble, Shredder cant fly, Leatherhead talks gumbo, Krang .
Check out this brand new TMNT summer short, Boulangerie! Ninjas are known for being masters of disguise, but sometimes turtles are the exception to the rule!

Theres a Saturday Night Binge Party in the Turtle Lair! Plus we discover what real fake news really is, a Foot Soldier takes a lunch break, Splinter spits wisdom .